Wednesday, August 22, 2001

Had to do a survey for a colleague's wife recently. She is doing a Masters of Psychology n her thesis is how Asians view the phrase "well-being" n what words, phrases or expressions we would associate with the phrase. Her theory being that Asians have been on survival mode for so long that we no longer know the meaning of "well-being". In fact, there aren't any equivalent chinese words or phrases for "well-being".
The words that I used to associate with "well-being" were 1) happiness 2) satisfaction n most importantly 3) FOOD!!! (This is someone's answer as well! No wonder we are such good friends...great minds DO think alike after all hahaha)
hahahahaha...I think I'm probably the only person in her survey that wrote that answer!!!
Here are some more words that I thought of afterwards.....inner peace, serenity


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