Friday, December 14, 2001

Hahaahaha dont keep in close contact with kl.
Its more a case of the world is so bloody small that everyone knows bloody everyone
Anywayz, a summary of this would be to know a new friend (girl) from the D&D, had lunch together, was yakking nonsense as usual, then loh n behold, she actually knew kl from way back (even longer than u). Shit man! scary huh! Talk about a small world
so she called kl up and we ended up going for dinner (all 3 of us)hahahahahaha. End of story.
And thats the whole truth. Swear on a bible (except that I'm no christian hahahaah)

Anywayz, back to the real world...
Stayed in the cleanroom the whole morning. Came out at 2.30 then had meetings all the way till 5.30.
Talk about being stressed. So many things happening at the company these days that I could probably write a script on it and Hollywood would probably pay big bucks for it and turn it into a soap opera. Too bad am not allowed to talk to anyone about this (not that it would be of any use) but when this whole saga ends (hopefully soon) then u might get to hear about it.


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