Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Haze is back

Today is the first time I've seen the haze so bad.
The PSA container cranes were invisible from Sheares Bridge while the Suntec buildings looked as if they were veiled in a white shawl.

On a lighter note...this is what a friend sent me:

Cultural Differences

Two Italian men and a lady stranded on a desert island; - The two fought and one KILLED the other to have the lady.

Two American men and a lady stranded on a desert island; - They both had the lady TOGETHER.

Two French men and a lady stranded on a desert island; - They killed the lady to have EACH OTHER.

Two Indonesian men and a lady stranded on a desert island; - The first man claimed that island is independent and took the lady as his advisor. The second man swam to another island to search for jobs.

Two Thai men and a lady stranded on a desert island; - The first man rented the lady to the second man for 2 baht a night.

Two Filipino men and a lady stranded on a desert island; - The first man kidnapped the lady and asked for ransom from the other man.

Two Malaysian men and a lady stranded on a desert island; - The lady ACCUSED the first man of sodomizing the other because she was rejected by both.

Two Singaporean men and a lady stranded on a desert island; - The two men are still waiting for instructions from the GOVERNMENT on how to proceed.


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