It's her birthday today and the celebrations were grander than any other years I could ever remember. Must be because we are celebrating the son finally taking over from the dad this year.
The only patriotic (even though I am not a citizen) thing I could ever remember doing was participating in the NDP when I was in sec 3. Our school was one of the few
arrowed chosen to be part of the nation's celebration. A whole year of prep work and sacrificed weekends for one single day. Not to say it was all sweat and no fun. There are a lot of things that would easily captured the attention of bored 15 yr old minds from a nunnery school - like a hundred 20 yr old army guys for instance. Back then you see, 15 yr old pimply school boys were deemed too kiddy and were not worthy of our attention.
Information were traded like game cards. Which guy was the cutest, tallest, coolest etc etc. We were even prepared to secretly take pictures of the guy the whole sec 3 cohort was
secretly in love with interested in. Actually, we did just that. Secretly take picture of the guy that is. That photo was circulated among the whole school and was the most sought after school photo ever. I still have that infamous photo in my picture album to remind me of my carefree youth.
The memories of raging hormones and unrequited schoolgirl crushes...
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