Monday, November 14, 2005


Update : K problem finally solved. Dang so much pain for a small little thing.

Update : Hmm yeah I just realised that the below looks like junk when NJ star communicator is not on so will be re-typing the below very soon. Anyone know why this happens btw? It looked fine when I copied it from a word doc where I typed the below beforehand and upload it on my home computer yesterday.

Wata 前一陣子在哈韓﹐而我卻迷上了「仙劍奇俠傳」。三十多集就這樣一個週末(和星期一)給它統統看完。沉迷的程度真的不是蓋的。連我自己都嚇一跳.看啊看﹐頭一抬﹐哇﹗窗外怎么這么亮?天啊!原來已經早上七點了!還好是星期天而已,可以小睡一下…………再繼續努力追。


看后感嘛………像我這种“ 愛國份子“﹐對任何大陸出的東西通常是沒興趣的,居然會追到已經是早上七點了都不知道。還好,最后讓我發現戲是台商出資的,而且還有很多歌是台灣人唱的。小小的安慰一下。“豬腳” 有港,大陸和新加坡人(但不知道有沒有我們自己的人) ,都不是非常出名,不過男的俊,女的俏。故事是由一個電玩改編而成,很多時候是先笑死然后再流淚。戲里有三角戀,單戀,“男的愛得很痴,而女的還很木頭”戀,還有那种“原來你是我爸,你是我媽” 的劇情,外加有一個(以前是﹐但現在不知還是不是)XXX級 的魔教教主……真的不錯看耶。結局很可怜,不過不要問我。自己去看OK!

最不可思意的是把戲追完之后,居然還戀戀不忘它的主題曲。不僅到處找CD,還把歌copy到公司的電腦里,從早到晚,天天播放。Anyway, 以下是主題曲的link, 去欣賞一下吧!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH~ I saw my name BIG AND SHINNING on ur blog!!!!

hehehe....I am not only 前陣子在哈韓, I am still doing it now. Just finished 藍色生死戀 the past weekend. I think 宋承憲 is my new idol. ^^

Is the drama you watched from taiwan or china? Who is in there?

5:53 am, November 15, 2005  
Blogger baobei said...

i'm still seeing all ?? in the blog wor..

6:41 pm, November 15, 2005  
Blogger eyes said...

@Wata: Ehhh..the drama is shot in China, has got chinese, hk and sg actors and financially supported by taiwanese n singaporeans. The actors arent famous though. I never heard of them til I saw the drama.

@baobei: Think that is coz you have NJStar Communicator on... I see it fine if that program is on as well.

10:04 pm, November 15, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually I see ?? too, I figured out what you wanted to type myself and I don't have communicator on leh....something is not right~

6:17 pm, November 19, 2005  
Blogger eyes said...

Haiz. I retyped directly on the post and still like this. Create new post and also the same. Dunno if its coz we got the code for communicator instead of paying $$ for it.

9:18 pm, November 20, 2005  
Blogger baobei said...

finally read the post..

who brought it back from China for ya??

Me thinking of visiting Shanghai after Xmas over NY period

11:39 pm, November 20, 2005  
Blogger eyes said...

wahahahaha yeah man. Finally haiz!
Sam's friend got it from China for me. Its 4 times cheaper to get over there.
Wooo go go. The weather was shockingly cold when I was last there at around the same time.
Going taiwan and Europe next year so that will about used up all my holiday quota..

3:39 pm, November 23, 2005  

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