Saturday, November 26, 2005

The tickets are booked

And I am going off to taiwan for chinese new year!!!

2 months and counting.....

Friday, November 25, 2005

I never thought I will ever say this but...

playing with my new iPod video for the very first time can actually be quite orgasmic.

ipod video
My beauty in all its naked glory!

ipod with case
Elegantly cladded in a black silicon skin...

Friday, November 18, 2005

You’ve been blogged!!!

That is the content of the email sent to me by my uni mate, Robert or Rob to his friends. Go read his blog. It contains a super ugly photo of me. I seem to have that same expression on my face whenever I’m out with him. This is me out with Rob as well.


By the way, I’ve got heaps better looking photos than those. Those photos are a testament of his lousy photo taking skills in addition to his lousy ice-cream flavour picking skills.

I first got to know Rob because he was a transfer student from the computer science (or was it computer engineering) course. Everyone thought he was nuts to transfer over to the chemical engineering course but nobody wanted to tell him that in his face, mainly because we quickly found out that he has got superb computing skills (so useful during that stupid computer programming subject we had to take) and that he scored heaps better in his assignments than the most of us ever did. Having an extra person whom we can copy our assignments from was more important to us back then than telling said person the truth so that he won’t have wasted his youth and the best part of his life on something nasty like chemical engineering. The harm is too late to undone now.

Like Leia & Luke, the recognition of kindred spirits came much later during the course of our association. Topics like praying at the Goddess of Mercy’s temple and burning of photos frequently peppered our conversations, understood by none except for those linked in souls. It is definitely good to have found my long lost brother at last.

Monday, November 14, 2005


Update : K problem finally solved. Dang so much pain for a small little thing.

Update : Hmm yeah I just realised that the below looks like junk when NJ star communicator is not on so will be re-typing the below very soon. Anyone know why this happens btw? It looked fine when I copied it from a word doc where I typed the below beforehand and upload it on my home computer yesterday.

Wata 前一陣子在哈韓﹐而我卻迷上了「仙劍奇俠傳」。三十多集就這樣一個週末(和星期一)給它統統看完。沉迷的程度真的不是蓋的。連我自己都嚇一跳.看啊看﹐頭一抬﹐哇﹗窗外怎么這么亮?天啊!原來已經早上七點了!還好是星期天而已,可以小睡一下…………再繼續努力追。


看后感嘛………像我這种“ 愛國份子“﹐對任何大陸出的東西通常是沒興趣的,居然會追到已經是早上七點了都不知道。還好,最后讓我發現戲是台商出資的,而且還有很多歌是台灣人唱的。小小的安慰一下。“豬腳” 有港,大陸和新加坡人(但不知道有沒有我們自己的人) ,都不是非常出名,不過男的俊,女的俏。故事是由一個電玩改編而成,很多時候是先笑死然后再流淚。戲里有三角戀,單戀,“男的愛得很痴,而女的還很木頭”戀,還有那种“原來你是我爸,你是我媽” 的劇情,外加有一個(以前是﹐但現在不知還是不是)XXX級 的魔教教主……真的不錯看耶。結局很可怜,不過不要問我。自己去看OK!

最不可思意的是把戲追完之后,居然還戀戀不忘它的主題曲。不僅到處找CD,還把歌copy到公司的電腦里,從早到晚,天天播放。Anyway, 以下是主題曲的link, 去欣賞一下吧!


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Too funny not to post

10 reasons why Singapore isn't a good target for terrorist attacks

1. Too confusing: is Singapore in China?

2. Too valuable: Singapore is the place in Southeast Asia with the best facilities to hold a terrorist conference.

3. Too risky - your robes might get caught in MRT doors and you could be dragged to your death.

4. Too expensive: to buy cars in Singapore to place the bombs in them.

5. Too little airspace: Trying to fly a plane into a building is too difficult as you're very likely to accidentally langgar either airforce jets practicing for the National Day Parade or the Starhubblimp.

6. Too leceh: to hit a sizeable mass of people, you have to be constantly updated as to which part of the island is having a closing/ opening/ moving/ renovation/ mid-year/ end-of-year/ end-of-season/ anniversary/ pre-whatever/ post-whatever/ storewide/ Great Singapore/ Heartland Singapore SALE; or giving away free tickets/books/ gifts/ Hello Kittys/ balloons...

7. Too gross: you have to drink your recycled pee here.

8. Too complicated: before you conduct a campaign of terror, you'll have to make sure you don't clash with the Courtesy Campaign, the Speak Good English Campaign, the Speak Mandarin Campaign, etc, etc

9. Too late: by the time the terrorists get here, most of the Singaporeans would have emigrated anyway.

10. Too small: it takes too much time finding the small dot on the world map and they may miss it and hit M'sia instead. That's a no-no as M'sia is largely occupied by Muslims.